Tuesday, December 5, 2017

These are some of the               People of Barrio Blanco           Greetings

So far, 46 families who were living in terrible shacks have become owners of real homes with the combination their labor, and building materials donated through Providing Opportunity.  We are still building more homes.  Here is where we have built within Barrio Blanco during the past 5 1/2 years.

This is what the homes we replaced looked like:

This is an example of one of the homes we built.  It looks nicer now because Hector fixed it up.  The homes are all custom and vary.

We currently have a total of 35 students on full scholarships.  27 attend CADIN Colegio private school, and 8 in university.  Before our efforts, there were none.  Here are some of our kids.

The DREAM Project administers both a Montessori School in the mornings and afternoons for 27 children aged 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 and as well, an after school tutoring program to further our older students' abilities.  We provide breakfast for the morning crew.  All are running well.  Below inside our school.

Our (free) clinic in Barrio Blanco treats 50+ people weekly with Dr. Wally Jean.  We have paid for him to gain a specialty in diabetes which is prevalent in the barrio.  The clinic is running very well and helps people ongoing.

We are about to celebrate with the THIRD Traditional Christmas Dinner for ALL 350 people in Barrio Blanco (food donated through Providing Opportunity, preparation labor by residents).  As well, donors paid for decorations and we are using the tree donated by LLibre Ferreteria again.  Looks Beautiful!  Below, decorating the entrance, tree, setting the tables up for the feast, and...

This past year has been wonderful for the progress on all fronts in Barrio Blanco.  If you walked by the entrance, you'd notice the new paint and flower boxes (we paid materials, labor by residents).  You might also notice that the DR government paved the entry and throughout the barrio passages

Litter patrol every two days makes Barrio Blanco much cleaner than it was, and than other places, but still not perfect.  Students receiving scholarships and their parents do the litter patrols as a community service exchange.  Below is a patrol group one day.

Haha!   Lelen on the left has the grumpiest face on.  You should see her when she smiles!  Lights up the world!  In photos, she is either smiling  Big or frowning Big, like here.  Really nice lady.

There is a growing sense of pride in the neighborhood.  Things have been improving visibly and inside the people.  They feel "ORGULLO  BARRIO BLANCO" which means "Pride Barrio Blanco"

Thank you to all who have helped.  You are truly making a real, visible difference, and you can ask anyone in the neighborhood and they'll tell you this and express appreciation to "Los Donantes", the Donors.

More info or to contact:  Ron Zauner   (you can click this-->)    ProvidingOpportunity@gmail.com   

in the U.S.   541-844-9745

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